Saturday 5 January 2013

elemental magick

Elf priests of this article content online 66 chapters, if you like the the online Wizard priests 66 chapters, the collection online wizard priests 66 chapters! First Chapter 66 of the endless series of Staff, amazing special effects, ah, ha ha, look good novel: Dragon and Maid latest chapter! Whining! out there what ah? boss, my hat has two effects ... Yeah, it seems that the two effects, special effects is the ultimate skill, forest calling effect plus a master the skills of a forest calling on the basis of seven forest calling, the power can still upgraded's great! hours to get two boss! Him to the Thunder Lizard observe some began hands. Thunder Lizard easily leads to hate, but those lightning attacks the boss a skill chain lightning UGG I Do Boots, another skill is like Thunderstomp the skills, one step down, collective all coma three seconds, two skills used very frequently, the super to life. Large forces one up on the electrocution of a Master Fortunately Alai Descartes resurrection skills.

 As for the group of lions, do not look 50, also Kangbu Zhu lightning and magic attacks. boss there is a big move. Lightning magic attack, Xu Dan, this time the damage is a bit less blood mage and druids often dead, the two resurrection has skills interval and eventually two Master did not keep. Finally get the boss Xu Dan picked up the level of a legend Thunder Sword, effects Chain Lightning - Each attack has a 20% chance to release Chain Lightning can attack up to four targets, resulting in a total equivalent weapon damage lightning injury, look good novel: outsider to take over the world TXT download. This time soldiers weapons, Xu Dan has been a bit silent. Positive feeling strange, suddenly found the ground there is a Thunder Shield, to get up and take a look at this shield, impressively Thunderstomp additional skills, skills interval of 0 seconds. The level of this set of legends is equipped with nine.

Helmets, shields UGG Montclair, Swords, leggings, boots, plate armor, gauntlets, belt, necklace. These two first close up. Get lost a legend level mage robes, level of hats and hand guard captain out legend. Properties are also good, but unfortunately we have here no Master! very happy, probably bent To epic equipment. Refresh time of one hour, four fountain of life no longer refresh any monster, a Road light emitted from four springs pool, like a four lightsaber stabbing the sky. The sky began to gather a lot of dark clouds, a moment later, the pouring rain to Xu Dan Shen Yun with the team temporary hid unicorn woodland. Enchanted Forest the very trade secret, can be blocked by rain. In the rain, the the lost City - Des Demeter town of start flashing a green light of life, and they can be seen standing in the distance that signs of a quick recovery of the Tree of Life, the tall towering tree of life began to emit golden light, bear the fruits of sporadic golden dolphin, a plume of gold and green clouds flowing from the base of the tree. The edge of the city, the tree started to recover, the Lost City soon becomes Greenery Misty, everywhere a lively scene.

The silver unicorn looking at the TV drama rain clouds of the sky, and said: Hull City resumed unabated. Road after the rain a bit muddy, but the air is fresher, walk on the grass, Xu Dan Shen Yun pleasure dangers hearts cheerful. Shen Yun walking, jumping, and from time to time to touch the head of the deer head cap, happy smile Oh. That deer head cap is a stag head, a very tall and very beautiful silver white antlers, whole body exudes a very beautiful silver light. Went to Germany Demeter City Central, Xu Dan discovered that Square has become a very pretty little lake, but fortunately there are a bunch of steps across the lake to go past. He went to that house of God, and found that the Druid elders has been restored to human form. He constantly powerful forces, and refused to let the city fully restored as ever he did not complete the last rites must beat him! five people inside the channel, you must choose your teammates. the channel, the long stage extend all the way down, and do not know where is the end. In this passage to the entrance, there is a layer of pale purple enchantment, seem to be regarded as a copy of the entrance of a task. Selected Shen Yun Xu Dan, calculated, high-level Druid Alai Descartes Master Alai Agnes and jasmine the Seoul, Heisha whirlwind king belongs to yield pet, not calculated quota restrictions. He took the lead to enter the copy, slowly walked down along the channel, the others follow him step by step to go down, only jasmine Seoul is still three feet off the ground, flapping its wings to fly down. Eagle Ray, Unicorn is suddenly transferred in. This team two Druid, so the staff can provide you look a lot.

The bottom of the stairs is not very complicated, just a huge hall, central a magic fountain springs ice carved coffin, which lay a wizard woman. Surrounded in the corner of the hall littered with strange summoned creatures, all the water element and the earth element, the number is a little bit more. Epic-level boss, the legendary ** oss. As for the water element and the earth element, is actually very easy to clean. Xu Dan sitting here a bit silly, and he felt that the five individuals over die ah, ghosts know what the big trick to this woman. The Master shaped small boss is not terrible, to the level of the elf woman, it would be horrible. The next kill boss when two druids are not allowed under the stairs, the location of the high point of the station, we try to lead fight back, she, however, we will not fight! Mission flutter, a big loser. Xu Dan try to bypass the elements of the stairs near strange began to clear, from another corner of the blame, all the way to the Qing complete a good comeback in the top of the stairs. Xu Danli engraved use Qiankun decision silhouette suddenly became seven, on the TV drama woman ran past, jasmine the Seoul and Heisha whirlwind king rushed past. A series of lightning hit the Xu Dan Phantom of the body, only a real hit Xu Dan, can this tract, also lost 00 points physical Xu Dan. He ran half, and so the end of the lightning on a Royal jianjue split in the past. Elf woman was immediately attracted, but leave the magic fountain far, her magic is still in recovery. Illustrate the influence of the magic fountain is great, as long as it is in this hall can affect.

 The elf female mage absolutely crazy, started to move out of an extreme bright and beautiful blue staves, waving waved up a blizzard across the hall. The crushed ice mess folders Ice Storm Snow, just like hundreds of handle a sword. Hurts! Xu Dan is a loud wail, we can only hide in the space behind the stairs, let Heisha whirlwind king tigers hiding in the wind and snow outside, Shen Yun and other high-end the Druid only busy Heisha whirlwind king plus blood, read the whole side of my warlord career. Ghost leopard can not support this blizzard is a large area of ??mopping-attack, it is again the specter can not run its IQ Intermediate smart, can only observe the other side of the space in the bottom of the stairs. Snow scraping a few minutes are no signs of stopping, Xu Dan suddenly to the Alaska Arctic Ocean will soon be frozen into popsicles. As for female lunatics magic value, although the slow decline, 120,000-dot magic do not know, to be reduced to fit considered the end. Feel this continues there is no way to kill off, Xu Dan had to bite the bullet and jasmine Seoul. His snake sword, and heaven and earth must be completely useless here, ice snow everywhere, mad hide nor open. However, within three meters of the the wizard woman around around, blizzards small lot, Xu Dan and jasmine Seoul stopped at this location. Jasmine Seoul wore female lunatic spines

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