Saturday 5 January 2013

mythic magick culdrens

Ireland is the most desirable country to search for Celtic myths since she was saved from the roman acquisition. Mythology of the continental Celts, similar to Gauls, is lost seeing that they did not leave any written volumes; their legends were carried by Druids through spoken sacred verses. Followed by the acquisition came; Romanization of inhabitants of Gaul and British Isles, and persecutions of druids, since they could have incited people to make upraising. In Ireland, however, Christian scholars preserved stories of old Celtic gods with the biblical influence and intrusions. A compilation of manuscripts dated for the 12th century, depicts history of six invasion of Ireland; it is The Book of Invasion or the Books of Annexation, the Irish title Lebor Gab?la ?ren. From groups of belligerent races three are recognised as indigenous inhabitants; they are in order: Fomorians, Tuatha De Dannan and Milesians. They are considered as both gods and as mortals who wield magical powers, or even as children of Noah. The mostly related to spellcraft are Tuatha De Dannann; "the folk of the god whose mother is Dana" or "Tuatha Dea, people of the goddess" as they descend from goddess Danu. Christian scholars occasionally described them as of demonic origins; because of their knowledge, they had been banished from heaven, and descended to Ireland in the cloud of mist. They learnt magic, possessed miraculous abilities and druidic skills.

 The Book of invasion says that they came from four cities in which they learnt sorcery: Falias, Gorias, Murias and Finias. From each city they brought relics of absolute power. From Falias came the Stone of Lia F?il, or the Stone of Destiny, on which kings of Ireland were crowned, and it screamed to confirm his true election. Conn of the Hundred Battles, Con C?tchathach, was the first to be approved by it. The story has it that it is the Scottish Stone of Scone, which was sent from its place in Tara to Scotland for the induction of Fergus the Great, who was a brother of the king of Ireland Murthag mac Erc. In Gorias they found "G?e Assail" - the spear of Lugh that returned to an owner. From Finnias they brought the sword of Nuada that at every turn hit its target. In Murias they possessed the bottomless Cauldron of the "It was from the North they [Tuatha de Dannan] came; and in the place they came from they had four cities, where they fought their battle for learning: great Falias, and shining Gorias, and Finias, and rich Murias that lay to the south." Tuatha De Dannan are also treated as the fairy folks. Tuatha were routed by fresh invaders; Milesians.

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