Saturday 5 January 2013

ogham magick

White magic, much like its darker and more commonly-known counterpart ‘black magic’, is a technique intended to bring about changes in the earthly realm as a result of spells or focused energy and concentration. Both forms of magic have been under intense scrutiny by believers and nonbelievers alike. While skeptics dismiss the techniques as nothing more than meaningless hocus pocus, those with strong religious beliefs (including Christians) criticize its practice, arguing that dabbling in magic (whether white or black) is the devil’s work. According to the religious critics, white magic, despite its supposed good intentions, is tantamount to Satanism.
Of course, white magic practitioners have a very different opinion, insisting that their methods, although admittedly controversial, are actually real and completely benevolent. These “good” witches argue that magic in itself is a neutral phenomenon; that is, it is up to the magician to determine whether the spells will be cast for good or evil. Herein rests the major distinction between white magic and black magic.omg
Whereas black magic is intended to cause harm and sometimes even death, those who use the art of white magic, sometimes called priests, priestesses, shamans, clerics, or witches, claim to do so in order to bring about positive change within their own lives or the lives of others. For example, this type of magic is deemed to promote spiritual growth, heal the sick, or bring good fortune. On a more practical level, spells exist to alter the weather for the better, increase one’s chances of securing a job, or improve a person’s relationships. White magic has also been known to be used for preventative reasons such as to protect a house, ward off evil spells, or prevent illness. The religion Wicca is based on these benevolent principles and holds that Wiccan magicians derive their powers from Mother Earth or the Oneness that unites all living things.
Theories and ViewpointsWith regard to the distinction between white and black magic, one theory states that they are derived from completely different sources and are therefore, not at all the same. Proponents of this theory argue that white magic is derived from altruistic sources such as gods, goddesses, or the Universe, whereas black magic is derived from evil or malevolent sources such as Satan or demons.Another viewpoint involves the concept of the left-hand path versus the right-hand path. Those who harness the power of white magic have often been described as witches who follow the right-hand path. This path is one that steers clear of any social taboos and instead, adheres to more conventional social standards. According to this classification, white magicians also believe in a form of judgment, being some deity or the power of karma.Conversely, according to the left/right-hand paradigm, practitioners of black magic are thought to follow the left-hand path. This path embraces deviation from social standards for behavior and instead, encourages their followers to develop their own standards for acceptable behavior. Following this line of thought, black magicians may promote sexual immorality and even incorporate it into their rituals—something that a white magician would never do.

Like black magic, white magic often involves the use of ritual, a series of specific steps that must be performed precisely in order for the magic to achieve its intended effect. This ritual could be as simple as chanting a series of words in sequence, or significantly more complex, involving a fixed combination of both words and actions. According to some white magicians, all that is necessary to cast a spell is intense and focused concentration on the desired result.

Some white magicians use tarot cards or other means to predict future events. Since the foreseeing of future events does nothing to change them (good or bad), this practice is considered by most magicians to be benevolent. Still, critics with strong religious beliefs argue that the use of tarot cards and the like is just another form of Satanism.Whether or not white magic actually works to bring about positive change in the Earthly realm is an ongoing debate with no clear answer in sight.

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