Saturday 5 January 2013


Magick can be a very powerful and very beneficial tool to help people in their lives. Magick can be used to help bring good things into people's lives and also be used to expel the bad things from people's lives. One of the most negative things that can ever happen to people is having to deal with the feelings of rejection and worthlessness that can happen when love ends. It is so easy for people to let the negative emotions of a lost love overwhelm them. This is where the healing power of magick can come in.

Chaos magick servitors are entities that people can use to channel both positive and negative energy in their lives. Negative energy can power a servitor as well as positive energy can. I have used such an entity. The servitor that I use called the “Layour” servitor is specifically designed to help people who are going through the aftermath of a relationship that has ended. “Layour” stands for LOVE ALL YOUR OPEN UNDERNOURSISHED RAW Emotions.
 This servitor takes all what I call your Layour Emotions, or all of the negative energy of the emotions associated with a breakup and channels them into a positive direction. This energy can be channeled into many positive directions. I myself used it to channel energy into the path of a career. It can be even be channeled into the direction of a new love. This energy is not channeled in the direction of causing any harm to the person who may have caused the breakup.
 You no longer have to sulk because of a long gone bad. The power of chaos magick and the servitors that can be employed to use that magick can be used to help you in this time of trouble. It can aid you in using that energy to build up other areas in your life or help you find a new significant other in your
The emotions associated with a breakup can be powerful and can harm you, but they don't have to. You can use these powerful forces to your advantage with a chaos magick servitor. These servitors can be used to channel these powerful and potentially harmful forces into something that will help your life. You can learn how to use these entities to get yourself back into a positive place and have powerful forces working for you instead of against you.

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